P6 EPPM R16.1安装与配置指南(三)
修改 D:\P6_R161\p6suite\database\dbsetup.bat 的行 SET JAR_FILE_DIR=lib
为:SET JAR_FILE_DIR=D:\P6_R161\p6suite\database\lib
以管理员身份运行 D:\P6_R161\p6suite\database\dbsetup.bat
输入SQL连接相关信息 (进行下步前,参见mssql配置要求)
If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server Database, you must make sure that you enable FILESTREAM before attempting your P6 EPPM installation or upgrade. For information about how to enable FILESTREAM, refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation for your version. 启用 FILESTREAM
1 Create the PMDB tables2 3 Load Sample Data4 5 create remaining database objects6 7 Create Reporting Views
P6 EPPM R16.1安装与配置指南(一)
P6 EPPM R16.1安装与配置指南(二) http://www.cnblogs.com/endv/p/5635193.html